Microstructure Evolution of Magnesium ZK60-RE Semi-solid Billets
Received:October 14, 2010  Revised:January 10, 2011
中文关键词: 微观组织  传统铸造  等径道角挤压  镁合金ZK60-RE
英文关键词: microstructure  conventional casting  equal channel angular extrusion  magnesium ZK60-RE
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Man-li 1.No.59 Institute of China Ordnance Industry Chongqing 400039 China
2.National Defence Research and Application Center of Precision Plastic Forming Technology Chongqing 400039 China 
NING Hai-qing 1.No.59 Institute of China Ordnance Industry Chongqing 400039 China
2.National Defence Research and Application Center of Precision Plastic Forming Technology Chongqing 400039 China 
WANG Yan-bin 1.No.59 Institute of China Ordnance Industry Chongqing 400039 China
2.National Defence Research and Application Center of Precision Plastic Forming Technology Chongqing 400039 China 
ZHAO Zhi-xiang 1.No.59 Institute of China Ordnance Industry Chongqing 400039 China
2.National Defence Research and Application Center of Precision Plastic Forming Technology Chongqing 400039 China 
WANG Yuan-qing 1.No.59 Institute of China Ordnance Industry Chongqing 400039 China
2.National Defence Research and Application Center of Precision Plastic Forming Technology Chongqing 400039 China 
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      Magnesium ZK60-RE semi-solid billets were prepared by conventional cast and equal channel angular extrusion respectively. Microstructure evolution of as-cast and extruded semi-solid billets during isothermal heat treatment was studied by optical microscope. The results show that in comparison with grains of semi-solid billets prepared by conventional casting, those of semi-solid billets prepared by equal channel angular extrusion are more fine and spherical and better suited for semi-solid forming. During isothermal heat treatment, the grain coarsening mechanisms of two billets are coalescence and Ostwald ripening. The intragranular liquid droplets in grains for as-cast materials originate from eutectic structure during non-equilibrium freezing and entrapped liquid during coalescence of grains. With increasing in holding time, the grain size of the as-cast billets increases initially, then decreases and increases again, while the grain size of the extruded billets increase monotonously.
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