Net Shape Forming Process Improvement Practice of the Base Bleed Stern
Received:July 26, 2010  Revised:November 10, 2010
中文关键词: 精化毛坯  工艺改进  实践
英文关键词: net shape forming  process improvement  practice
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Lian-yi Heilongjiang Huaan Machinery Co. Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
JIANG Chun-mao Heilongjiang Huaan Machinery Co. Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
LI Zhong-lin Heilongjiang Huaan Machinery Co. Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
TIAN Liang-zhi Heilongjiang Huaan Machinery Co. Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
PAN Ling Heilongjiang Huaan Machinery Co. Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
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      Based on the base bleed stern blank of a product as the object, the cold extrusion forming technology improvement research was carried out. Through the mould design and manufacture control, reasonable selection of softening parameters and cold extrusion lubricant, the part was cold extruded smootly which attained the goal of net shape forming and improved material utilization.
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