FEM Numerical Simulation on Tube Spinning of Guided Missile Body Based on ABAQUS
Received:July 15, 2010  Revised:November 10, 2010
中文关键词: 旋压加工  弹体  弹塑性有限元
英文关键词: spinning  guided missile body  elastic-plastic finite element
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Teng-lun China Airborne Missile Academy Luoyang 471009, China 
Hits: 4210
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      To solve the difficulty of the technical parameters selection in spinning process of guided missile body, a 3D elastic-plastic finite element model is constructed for the guided missile body spinning process based on the elastic-plastic finite element theory, the metal flow in three directions (tangential, radial and axial) and the friction effect are considered generally. With the model, the effect of various technical parameters (including the fillet radius of the roller, the feed velocity, the decrement of the thickness per procedure) on the forming results are studied.
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