The Research of Molding Process Parameters on the Plastic Warpage's Influence
Received:September 18, 2010  Revised:November 10, 2010
中文关键词: 优化设计  工艺参数  翘曲  单个因素
英文关键词: design optimization  molding process parameters  warpage  single factor
Author NameAffiliation
WU Meng-ling College of Material EngineeringNanjing Institute of Technology Nanjing 211167 China 
WU Tai-bin College of Material EngineeringNanjing Institute of Technology Nanjing 211167 China 
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      The influence and mechanism of each process factor on the warpage were studied by changing one factor at a time and keeping the others at their optimum level based on the optimum set of molding process parameters obtained through orthogonal test in the research on the optimum aim at the pouring system and temperature adjusting system of a certain printer's axostyle mould. Revealing the connection between single factor and warpage is in favor of determining more accurate molding conditions and of quantitative guiding significance for the optimization of the molding process parameters.
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