Application of CAE Technology in Design of Deep Drawing Die for the Front Wheel Cowling of Automobile
Received:February 13, 2010  Revised:September 10, 2010
中文关键词: 前轮罩  拉延  工艺参数  CAE
英文关键词: front wheel cowling of automobile  deep drawing  process parameter  CAE
Author NameAffiliation
CUI Peng Jiangling Motor Holding Co. Ltd., Nanchang 330044, China 
ZHONG Mao-lian Jiangling Motor Holding Co. Ltd., Nanchang 330044, China 
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      On the basis of digital model with Catia software the deep drawing process of front wheel cowling of automobile was analyzed and optimized by using Autoform of CAE software, and then the optimal process parameters and die structure were confirmed eventually. So the importance of CAE technology in the application of mould design was confirmed.
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