The Study of Variable Blank-holder Pressure Controlling Technology in Improvement of Formability of Tailor-welded Plate
Received:June 11, 2010  Revised:September 10, 2010
中文关键词: 拼焊板  变压边力  焊缝移动  成形性能
英文关键词: tailor-welded blanks  variable blank-holder pressure  displacement of welding seam  formability
Author NameAffiliation
XU Ke School of Materials Science and EngineeringHefei University of TechnologyHefei 230009, China 
LI Ping School of Materials Science and EngineeringHefei University of TechnologyHefei 230009, China 
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      The paper analyzed the relational expression of blank-holder pressures needed for the thick and thin sides of a tailor-welded plate under the control of displacement of welding seam and proposed a stamping forming plan under variable blank-holder pressure controlling. The numerical simulation technology was applied to simulate the stamping process under different plans. The result proved that the pressurization of smaller force on the thick side than that on the thin side can effectively diminish the displacement of welding seam and the stress concentration in the thin side which improved the forming performance of the tailor-welded plate.
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