Simulation and Experiment Research on the Power Spinning Process for Cylindrical Parts
Received:May 22, 2010  Revised:September 10, 2010
中文关键词: 筒形件  强力旋压  数值模拟  工艺参数
英文关键词: cylindrical part  power spinning  numerical simulation  technological parameter
Author NameAffiliation
GUO Fu-lin School of Material Science and EngineeringHefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China 
LI Ping School of Material Science and EngineeringHefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China 
QIAN Chen-hao School of Material Science and EngineeringHefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China 
ZHANG Bin-bin School of Material Science and EngineeringHefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China 
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      The power spinning process for cylindrical parts was studied by the combined method of experimental process and finite element. By using FEM, three-dimensional elastic-plastic model was established and numerical simulation for the spinning process was carried out, then the influence of feed rate and thickness reduction on the power spinning process was analysed. According to the results of numerical simulation, device and mould were designed and manufactured, the process test was conducted. Finally, the power spinning sample with good thickness reduction effect was successfully obtained.
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