Forming Technique and Design of Die for Exhaust Pipe Flange
Received:March 16, 2010  Revised:May 10, 2010
中文关键词: 排气管法兰  冲压工艺  复合模  模具
英文关键词: exhaust flange  stamping forming  compound die  die
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Chang-hong Department of Mechanical and Electrical EngineeringZhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry ManagementZhengzhou 450015China 
CHENG Jun-wei Department of Mechanical and Electrical EngineeringZhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry ManagementZhengzhou 450015China 
FENG Xian-zhang Department of Mechanical and Electrical EngineeringZhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry ManagementZhengzhou 450015China 
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      After a study on the design features and technical requirements of a exhaust pipe flange,the compound stamping forming process was determined. The designed compound die could be used to complete four procedures of the outer edge of flanging, the drawing, punching hole and hole flanging in turn. The compound die features of structure, working process, main design points and notices to produce were introduced in detail. After the actual production, it was found that the die greatly improved the production efficiency and quality of product. The economic benefit of company was improved.
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