功能梯度表面涂层热锻模的仿真设计与分析 |
Simulation Design and Analysis of Hot Forging Die Based on FGM Surface Coating |
Received:March 31, 2010 Revised:May 10, 2010 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 热锻模 表面涂层 功能梯度材料 有限元 |
英文关键词: hot forging die surface coating functionally graded materials FEM |
基金项目: |
Author Name | Affiliation | WANG Hua-jun | Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China | PENG Yi | Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China | WANG Hua-chang | Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China | ZENG Jie | Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China | ZHANG Fu-fang | Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China |
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中文摘要: |
针对热锻模损伤主要发生在模具表面的情况,构想使用梯度功能材料对均质材料制造的热锻模进行表面处理,阐述了梯度材料锻模表面涂层的设计方法,建立了基于Deform软件的热锻成形有限元模型,分析对比了均质热锻模与梯度材料表面涂层热锻模在锻造生产后的温度场和应力场,从而论证了在热锻模表面进行梯度材料表面复合涂层处理的优越性。 |
英文摘要: |
Because hot forging die damage mainly occurres on the surface of the die, the functionally gradient materials(FGM) will be used on the surface of hot forging die with homogeneous materials. In this paper design methods of hot forging die based on the gradient material surface coating were described and finite element model of hot forging process was built. Then analysis and comparison of temperature field and thermal stress field in the homogeneous forging die and FGM coating surface forging die were obtained and the advantage of the FGM coating die was demonstrated. The above research can provide a design and manufacture basis for FGM forging dies. |
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