车铣加工UG-CAM 制造技术研究与应用
Research and Application of Milling-lathe Machining and UG-CAM Manufacturing Technology
Received:July 13, 2009  Revised:March 10, 2010
中文关键词: 后处理  车铣  曲面加工  UG-CAM
英文关键词: post processing  milling-lathe  curved surface machining  UG-CAM
Author NameAffiliation
SUN Jian-bo Xi’an Flight Automatic Control Research Institute, AVIC, Xi’an 710065, China 
GE Ying-xi Xi’an Flight Automatic Control Research Institute, AVIC, Xi’an 710065, China 
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      应用TCL(Tool Command Language)开发了车铣加工中心BUNMOTEC S192FT后处理模块,实现了该机床刀具中心点B轴随动的高级功能,利用UG-CAM数控编程技术,使用平头立铣刀,在车铣加工中心进行C、X、Y轴联动,完成了零件曲面加工刀轨设计,解决了T型铣刀加工曲面环槽干涉问题,通过将平头立铣刀轴与曲面法线倾斜一定角度,避开平头立铣刀底齿中心切削,达到零件精度要求。
      The post processing functional module of the milling-lathe machining center BUNMOTEC S192FT was developed with TCL, the advanced function of the tool center following with the axis B was accomplished. Applying UG-CAM manufacturing technology and using the end milling cutter with the axis C,X,Y linkage machining, the tool paths of the curved surface machining were finished, and the interference problem of machining the curved surface with the T milling cutter was solved. By slopping the end milling cutter with a certain angle to the normal line of the curved surface, the tool bottom center cutting was avoided, and the machining precision was achieved。
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