空调机用黄铜三通阀的温挤压成形数值模拟 |
Numerical Simulation of Warm Extrusion Forming Process for the Air-conditioner爷s Brass Triple Valve |
Received:December 30, 2009 Revised:March 10, 2010 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 空调机 黄铜 三通阀 温挤压 数值模拟 |
英文关键词: air-conditioner brass triple valve warm extrusion |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(50975222) |
Hits: 4326 |
Download times: 3316 |
中文摘要: |
提出一种新的精密温挤压成形工艺代替传统热锻法来制造空调用三通阀。建立了该三通阀温挤压有限元分析模型,采用非线性有限元分析软件DEFORM-3DTM对三通阀温挤压成形的过程进行了数值模拟,揭示了其塑性成形的机理,以及工艺参数对充填情况的影响规律,进一步获得了合理的温挤压工艺参数。 |
英文摘要: |
Air-conditioner’s brass triple valve has complex geometry and high demand of mechanical properties, is produced in large quantities. As a classical technology, hot forging has some disadvantages: low coefficient of material usage, considerable amount of post machining and low production efficiency. This paper represents a new technology, warm extrusion method to replace the classical hot forging technologies. An FEM model of warm extrusion process has been established by using nonlinear finite element analysis DEFORM-3DTM software, mechanism of plastic deformation and the influences of technology parameters on the quality of triple valve are investigated. And then, the reasonable forming parameters for this warm extrusion process to form Triple Valve are obtained. |
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