Research on the Processing Parameters of Cup-shaped Blank Spinning Based on Orthogonal Experiment
Received:February 05, 2010  Revised:March 10, 2010
中文关键词: 旋压内齿轮  杯形毛坯  工艺参数  正交试验
英文关键词: spun inner gear  cup-shaped blank  processing parameters  orthogonal experiment
Author NameAffiliation
LUO Du-yu Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department, Guangdong Polytechnic College, Guangzhou 510520, China 
XIA Qin-xiang School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China 
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      The cup-shaped blank has great influence on spun inner gear, so how to manufacture the qualified cup-shaped blank had been studied in this paper. Firstly, the effects of key processing parameters on the cup-shaped blank spinning were analyzed based on the orthogonal experiment. Then, overall equilibrium method was introduced to the processing parameters optimization of cup-shaped blank. Finally, the optimized parameters were verified by processing experiments. The result indicates that the processing parameters of cup-shaped blank spinning can be optimized by the overall equilibrium method based on the analysis on the effects of processing parameters on the cup-shaped blank. The qualified cup-shaped blank can meet the requirement of the subsequently inner gear spinning.
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