The High Efficient Processing Technology Research of Large-size Aluminum Alloy Thin-wall Workpiece
Received:September 28, 2009  Revised:January 10, 2010
中文关键词: 铝合金  框架式薄壁结构  高效数控加工  Mastercam X
英文关键词: aluminum alloy  frame-type thin-wall structure  CNC machining  Mastercam X
Author NameAffiliation
XIA Zhen-tao Shanghai Institute of Satellite Engineering, Shanghai 200240 China 
LIU Jin Shanghai Institute of Satellite Engineering, Shanghai 200240 China 
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      通过对某型号卫星贮箱支架的数控加工实践,研究了大型铝合金框架式薄壁结构件的高效数控加工工艺技术。通过合理选择机械加工规程和工艺参数,解决了这类零件加工过程中极易超差等难题,可靠地满足了型号研制的要求。同时利用Mastercam X软件研究了高效数控加工问题。
      In this paper, the high efficient CNC machining technology of the large-size thin-wall aluminum alloy frame structural parts has been studied by the CNC machining practices of the tank frame of a type of satellite. By reasonably selecting the machining regulations and process parameters, the over-proof problems of such parts are solved easily, and the requirements of the development of the model are met reliably. At the same time the high efficient CNC machining problem is studied by using the Mastercam X software.
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