The Method to Determine the Clearance and Edge Size and Tolerance of Fineblanking Die
Received:December 13, 2009  Revised:January 10, 2010
中文关键词: 精冲模具  间隙  尺寸及公差
英文关键词: fineblanking die  clearance  size and tolerance
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Tian-cong The Food Department of Agriculture College NingXia University, Yinchuan 750021 China 
Hits: 4172
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      This paper analysed the fineblanking die clearance and section quality and lay down the arrangement lines figure of the clearance. The control methods and technical specification of the edge size for the die machining process were discussed. The principles to determine properly the size and tolerance of fineblanking die edge and clearance were included. The machining result was improved. The reducing cost and shortening production cycle and simplifying process were introduced. The method to determine the size and tolerance of fineblanking die edge was presented in detail.
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