Research on Processing High Precision Rectangular Bend Copper Waveguide Tube
Received:September 20, 2009  Revised:January 10, 2010
中文关键词: 高精度矩形弯铜波导管  电铸成形  压弯成形  补偿厚度
英文关键词: high precision rectangular bend copper waveguide tube  electroform shaping  bending shaping  compensation thickness
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Sheng-ping The No.20 Institute of China Electronic Technology Corp. Xi'an 710068 China 
GAO Xiao-hong The No.20 Institute of China Electronic Technology Corp. Xi'an 710068 China 
DONG Xin-han The No.20 Institute of China Electronic Technology Corp. Xi'an 710068 China 
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      The high precision rectangular bend copper waveguide tube was generally processed by electroforming with long manufacturing period. In order to find a quick manufacturing method, a series of pressing shaping tests were performed. The top mould was modified and the shaping technology was improved. The qualified products have been rapidly manufactured.
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