Moulding Technology Research of the Variable Cross-section Missile Launcher
Received:October 13, 2009  Revised:January 10, 2010
中文关键词: 变截面导弹发射筒  芯模设计  缠绕线形设计  缠绕工艺设计
英文关键词: variable cross-section missile launcher  mould design  wind line pattern design  wind technology design
Author NameAffiliation
HE Xi-ying No.203 Research Institue of China Ordnance Industries, Xi'an 710065, China 
ZHAO Hai-e No.203 Research Institue of China Ordnance Industries, Xi'an 710065, China 
YANG Shu-wen No.203 Research Institue of China Ordnance Industries, Xi'an 710065, China 
YANG Yue-dong No.203 Research Institue of China Ordnance Industries, Xi'an 710065, China 
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      This paper introduces the research on the variable cross-section missile launcher moulding technology. The purpose is simplifying working process,improving precision,decreasing weight,saving cost and shortening manufacture periods. It introduces launcher moulding technology selection, mould design, mould preparation, wind line pattern design and wind technology design in detail. This missile launcher meets the requirements of weapon system.
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