Application Research of Radial Cold Forging Technology on Barrels Forming
Received:September 07, 2009  Revised:November 10, 2009
中文关键词: 枪管  冷精锻成形  弹-线膛  合金钢  残余应力
英文关键词: barrel  cold forging  cartridge chamber and rifle  alloyed steels  residual stress
Author NameAffiliation
TIAN Wen-song Chongqing Janshe Industries Co. Ltd. Chongqing 400054, China 
LUO Rong Chongqing Janshe Industries Co. Ltd. Chongqing 400054, China 
DAI An-yuan Chongqing Janshe Industries Co. Ltd. Chongqing 400054, China 
Hits: 4127
Download times: 4530
      Radial cold forging is a precision forming technology for small-caliber barrel's cartridge chamber and rifle. The reasons of forging barrel's burst are analyzed and improvements of the forging process are put forward. The testing methods and standards are determined. A large number of tests validates that the gun barrel's performance by radial cold forging technology can fully meet the use requirements of light weapons and significantly improve the overall performance of products.
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