Research Status Review on Optimization Technology of Multi-station High Speed Forging Process
Received:May 06, 2009  Revised:September 10, 2009
中文关键词: 多工位  高速锻造  有限元模拟  优化技术
英文关键词: multi-station  high speed forging process  finite element simulation  optimization technology
Author NameAffiliation
WU Yan-jun National Eng. Research Center of Die & Mold CADShanghai Jiaotong Univ. Shanghai 200030 China 
ZHAO Zhen National Eng. Research Center of Die & Mold CADShanghai Jiaotong Univ. Shanghai 200030 China 
HU Cheng-liang National Eng. Research Center of Die & Mold CADShanghai Jiaotong Univ. Shanghai 200030 China 
GAO Chong-hui National Eng. Research Center of Die & Mold CADShanghai Jiaotong Univ. Shanghai 200030 China 
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      Multi-station high speed forging process is a kind of advanced near net-shape forging process. The forging process and its feature are briefly introduced in this study. Development status on optimization technology of forging process based on finite element simulation is discussed. Based on the development status and feature of multi-station high speed forging process, main problems about the optimization technology of multi-station high speed forging process are given, and the guideline of this optimization technology is pointed out.
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