Performance of Ultra-high Strength Hot Die Steel 3Cr3Mo3VNb and It’s Productive Practice
Received:June 10, 2009  Revised:September 10, 2009
中文关键词: 热模钢  模具寿命  生产实践
英文关键词: hot die steel  die life  productive practice
Author NameAffiliation
XIONG Guo-feng Chongqing Diyang Machinery Manufacture Co. Ltd., Chongqing 400035,China 
YAN Ming-song The Naval Aviation Military Representative Office in Shanghai, Shanghai 200233, China 
FU Yun No.59 Institute of China Ordnance Industry, Chongqing 400039, China 
Hits: 4079
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      Compared with H13 and 3Cr2W8V, the 3Cr3Mo3VNb has higher combination properties such as mechanical behavior under high temperature . Some examples of the productive practice are given, the results show that this material is better than other hot die steels. The factors are discussed which influence the quality in the process of die’s manufacture.
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