Characteristics of Multi-directional Extrusion and the Analysis of Metal Flow for Three Links Components
Received:May 21, 2009  Revised:September 10, 2009
中文关键词: 三通零件  数值模拟  多向主动加载
英文关键词: three links component  numerical simulation  multidirectional initiative loading
Author NameAffiliation
CUI Ya Graduate college of North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China 
ZHANG Zhi-min Engineering Technology Research Center for Intergrated Precision Forming of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030051, China 
YU Jian-min Engineering Technology Research Center for Intergrated Precision Forming of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030051, China 
LI Su-li Engineering Technology Research Center for Intergrated Precision Forming of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030051, China 
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      利用有限元分析软件Msc Marc来模拟三通阀体零件多向主动加载成形过程。通过对多向同步加载、多向分步加载、多向顺序加载等3种不同成形方式的金属流线,以及加载过程中挤压力曲线的比较,得出了多向分步加载时挤压力曲线平滑,对模具损伤较小,而且不会出现金属折叠,为最佳的加载工艺方案。详细论述了多向分步加载时金属的流动规律,即首先向右方向的凸模1与凹模间的间隙流入,随后才向凸模2与凹模间半圆柱形凸起的空腔流入。
      The paper introduces the simulation of the multidirectional initiative loading extrusion process of the triple-valve body by finite element analysis software Msc Marc. By comparing different types of shaping and extrusion graph curve in multidirectional synchronous loading, multidirectional progressive loading and multidirectional sequential loading, it shows that multidirectional progressive loading is the optimum process in which extrusion curve is smooth, mold injury is less and no metal folding appears. The details of the metal flow are introduced, that is, metal flows to the rightward clearance between punch one and die first, and then flows to the cavity between punch two and die.
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