多向加载近净成形研究动态 |
Research Status of Multi-way Loading Near-net Shape Forming |
Received:May 31, 2009 Revised:July 10, 2009 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 多向加载 主动控制 精确成形 复杂整体构件 |
英文关键词: multi-way loading active control precision forming complex integral component |
基金项目:国家自然基金重点项目(50735005);国家“863”(2006AA04Z135);国防基础科研资助项目;西北工业大学基础研究基金 |
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中文摘要: |
通过主动控制不同方向、不同成形阶段的多向加载条件并配合模具、变形温度等成形条件,可有效控制变形,提高坯料的成形性能,以获得预期的结构形状及组织状态的零件,实现净成形或近净成形,为难变形材料的复杂整体构件的精确塑性成形提供了一条有效途径。多向加载技术在蒙皮拉形、管材挤胀、环件径轴向辗扩、多向模锻等塑性成形工艺中都得到体现,但其工艺通用性差,需要专门的设备,不同成形工艺甚至当成形零件不同时,其变形机理亦迥异。评述了目前多向加载成形工艺的应用与国内外研究现状,指出了该工艺在体积成形中应用发展需要解决的关键技术问题。 |
英文摘要: |
Under the suitable forming temperature and the geometry of die, the loading modes at different forming stages are controlled actively. The deformation in the process may be controlled effectively, the blank may obtain better formability and better filling, and the desirable deforming and microstructure maybe obtained. Then the net or near-net shape manufacture can be actualized. Thus, the multi-way loading process provides an efficient way for precision plastic forming of the key and large-scale components of material difficult to deform. The multi-way loading process has been used in stretch forming, bulge forming, radial-axial ring rolling and multi-way forging. However, the special machine and process is only available to shape metal into the special component. The deformation behaviors in different processes even in the same process for different components are different. The state-of-the-art of multi-way loading forming is summarized, and then some proposals for further study in bulk forming are put forward. |
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