吴信涛,薛克敏,刘国凯,等.基于 AHP 与灰色系统理论的隔热件成形回弹控制优化[J].精密成形工程,2016,8(5):142-146.
WU Xin-tao,XUE Ke-min,LIU Guo-kai,et al.Springback Control and Optimization of Insulation Parts Based on AHP and Grey System Theory[J].Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering,2016,8(5):142-146.
基于 AHP 与灰色系统理论的隔热件成形回弹控制优化
Springback Control and Optimization of Insulation Parts Based on AHP and Grey System Theory
投稿时间:2016-08-15  修订日期:2016-09-10
中文关键词: 隔热件  层次分析法  灰色系统理论  目标优化
英文关键词: insulation parts  hierarchical analysis theory  grey system theory  objective optimization
吴信涛 合肥工业大学 材料科学与工程学院合肥 230009 
薛克敏 合肥工业大学 材料科学与工程学院合肥 230009 
刘国凯 合肥工业大学 材料科学与工程学院合肥 230009 
闻瑶 合肥工业大学 材料科学与工程学院合肥 230009 
李萍 合肥工业大学 材料科学与工程学院合肥 230009 
摘要点击次数: 4435
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      目的 汽车隔热件的冲压成形过程比较复杂,成形工艺参数较多,实际生产难以准确地建立起工艺参数与质量目标之间的联系,研究工艺参数对成形质量及回弹的影响为实际生产提供指导必要而有意义。 方法 对模具间隙、凹模圆角半径、摩擦因数等影响回弹的因素进行正交试验,设计了试验方案,获得了成形零件的回弹数据;结合层次分析理论(APH)计算了成形工艺参数对多质量目标的权重,最后利用灰色系统理论,计算出了成形质量相对目标函数的关联度,再进行进一步计算获得各成形工艺参数的平均关联度,将优化后的工艺参数应用于有限元仿真与实验验证。 结果 通过层次分析理论和灰色系统理论对成形工艺参数进行优化,获得了优化工艺参数组合,隔热件成形质量明显提高, 回弹量控制在较小范围内。 结论 当模具间隙为 0.805 mm、凹模圆角半径为 12 mm、摩擦因数为 0.125 时,回弹前后距离差 Δd=0.918 mm、回弹前后夹角差 Δα=0.340°,回弹得到有效控制。
      The stamping process of insulation parts is complex and has many forming process parameters. It is difficult to accurately establish the connection between the process parameters and the quality targets. Researching the influence of process parameters on the forming quality and springback is necessary and meaningful to provide guidance for the actual production. Test scheme was designed for the main factors (die clearance, die fillet radius, and friction coefficient) affecting springback by orthogonal experiment to obtain the springback data of the forming parts. Combining with hierarchical analysis theory(APH), the weight of forming process parameters on the quality targets was calculated. Finally, the correlation between the forming quality and the objective function was calculated based on grey system. The average correlations of forming process were got by further calculation. Finite element simulation and experimental validation were carried out on the condition of the optimized process parameters. Optimizing the process parameters by AHP and grey system theory obtained the optimization process parameters combination. Forming quality of insulation parts was improved obviously, and the springback was controlled to a lesser extent. In conclusion, the springback can be better controlled when the die clearance is 0.805 mm, the die fillet radius 12 mm, the friction coefficient 0.125, the distance difference before and after springback 0.918 mm, and the angle difference before and after springback 0.340°.
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