陈新平,胡晓,宋晨,等.超高强钢 QP980 液压成形 B 柱仿真及试验研究[J].精密成形工程,2016,8(5):60-64. CHEN Xin-ping,HU Xiao,SONG Chen,et al.Simulation and Experiment Analysis of AHSS QP980 Hydroforming B Pillar[J].Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering,2016,8(5):60-64. |
超高强钢 QP980 液压成形 B 柱仿真及试验研究 |
Simulation and Experiment Analysis of AHSS QP980 Hydroforming B Pillar |
投稿时间:2016-08-20 修订日期:2016-09-10 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2016.05.009 |
中文关键词: 液压成形 B 柱 超高强钢 QP980 |
英文关键词: hydroforming B pillar AHSS QP980 |
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中文摘要: |
目的 研究超高强钢 QP980 液压成形汽车 B 柱的可成形性。 方法 基于 Autoform 有限元模拟软件,仿真对比了宝钢第三代超高强钢 QP980 及当前广泛应用的 DP980 超高强钢液压成形 B 柱的可成形性,通过试验试制了 QP980 液压成形 B 柱,并与仿真结果进行对比。 结果 在相同工艺条件下,QP980 具有较高安全裕度, DP980 具有开裂风险,采用 2 种材料模拟壁厚减薄率及回弹趋势一致,DP980 壁厚减薄率大于 QP980,QP980 回弹大于 DP980; QP980 液压成形 B 柱模拟及试验对比显示,壁厚减薄率和回弹变化趋势一致,试验壁厚减薄率大于模拟,样件实际回弹小于模拟, QP980 液压成形 B 柱实测最大壁厚减薄率 7.6%,一端施加约束,另一端回弹约 6 mm。 结论 超高强钢 QP980液压成形 B 柱成形性良好,满足零件性能要求。 |
英文摘要: |
By using Autoform software, the formability of the independent developed Baosteel AHSS QP980 and widely used Baosteel DP980 by simulation and experiment was Compared. The QP980 B pillar prototype was developed, and the results were compared with the simulation results. Results indicate that the safety margin of QP980 is higher, however, DP980 has potential cracking risk. The wall thinning and springback of two kinds of material are in similar tendency. Wall thinning of QP980 is lower than DP980, and the springback is higher than DP980. There is same variation trend of wall thinning and springback between simulation and experiment. The experiment wall thinning is larger than simulation, the most of which is 7.6%. Meanwhile the experiment springback is lower than simulation, while the largest springback of QP980 B pillar tryout is 6mm with one side of the part constrained. In conclusion, the mechanical performacne of QP980 is good enough to meet requirements of B pillar component in terms of hydroforming process. |
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